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Amanda Kent's

Wellness Made Easy

  There are so many chemicals and toxic ingredients found in our foods and personal use products these days, (especially in the United States), that it is incredibly important that we educate ourselves on the subject! Did you know that it only takes 26 seconds for whatever you put on your skin to fully absorb and make it's way to the blood stream? The truth is that everything that we put in and on our bodies affects them in either a positive or negative way; Ingredients that the body can't break down (like artificial sweeteners, dyes, fragrances, microplastics) are stored, and when they start to build up, they can wreak havoc on your body in many different ways. Several years ago, I decided to see if there really was something to the whole "clean living movement" and started changing my lifestyle and switching out my products. I absolutely fell in love with my brand and my new way of life and very soon after decided to partner with Arbonne International.

  Today, I am very proud to share that brand with others and to teach them about healthy living from the inside out. In addition to the amazing community, some of my favorite things about the company are that they ban over 2000 ingredients in their porducts (that's more than Europe!), are B Corp certified, vegan, cruelty free, non-gmo, and all of thier products come with a 45 day money back guarantee!






Check out the full product catalogue here:


Product Catalogue








In addition to the health benefits I've experienced, with this company I've also found inspiration in an incredible network of uplifting, like-minded business partners and mentors. With their support and a lot of personal development, I have tapped into a more courageous and confident verison of myself, and honestly, it feels amazing! It's so important to me that I pay that forward so that others can have that experience as well. If this is something that seems like a good fit for you, I would love to show you how to get started!


Curious about the business side of things?

Here's a short video made by one of my best friends on her experience working for Arbonne.



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